
TAURUSDISPO® Spin Column Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue DNA Extraction Micro Kit

The TAURUSDISPO® FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction Micro Kit is specially designed for the DNA extraction from paraffin-fixed tissues.

The TG Micro Column allows a minimum elution volume at 10 µl to ensure high eluted DNA concentration.

The extraction method of this kit is efficient and easy to operate.

Cat # Product Description Preps Price HSN Code
TISC-N-FFPETE050 TAURUSDISPO® Spin Column Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue DNA Extraction Micro Kit, 50 Preps 50 ₹ 24,500.00 38220090
TISC-N-FFPETE200 TAURUSDISPO® Spin Column Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded Tissue DNA Extraction Micro Kit, 200 Preps 200 ₹ 80,000.00 38220090


The TAURUSDISPO® FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction Micro Kit is specially designed for the DNA extraction from paraffin-fixed tissues.

The TG Micro Column allows a minimum elution volume at 10 µl to ensure high eluted DNA concentration.

The extraction method of this kit is efficient and easy to operate.

Product spec

Format/Principle: Micro spin column (silica matrix)
Minimum Elution Volume: 10~12 µl
Sample Size: FFPE fixed tissue ≤25 mg (4~8 fragments, 10 µm thick)
Operation Time: 2~4 hours
Column Binding Capacity: 5 µg DNA/column
Column Applicability: Centrifugation